Kyle Trueblood Elementary School
Kyle Trueblood Elementary School
School Hours: 8:00 - 3:30
Doors open at 7:40 AM - Breakfast served 7:40-7:55
Preschool and Kindergarten Pre-enrollment for 2025-26 is now open!
Preschool - Click Here for more info
Kindergarten: Child must be 5 years old by August 31, 2025 Kindergarten Enrollment Form
January Calendar
Jan. 7 - Classes Resume - Preschool and Kindergarten Pre-enrollment for 2025-26 is open!
Jan. 15 - Spelling Bee (Gds. 1-5) at CSHS Auditorium, 9 AM
Jan. 17 - Smart Start Screening in Conway Springs - Call 316-794-4610 or 316-794-4005 for an appointment
Jan. 20 - No School - Teacher Inservice
Jan. 22 - Pastries with Parents, 7:30-8:15 AM - Cinnamon rolls, milk, juice & coffee will be served.
School Bus Awareness
School Bus Awareness
When a school bus stops and activates its stop arm and flashing red lights, all traffic must stop from both directions – whether it is a two- or four-lane road. When a school bus stops and activates its stop arm and flashing red lights on a divided highway with a median separation, traffic approaching the bus from behind must stop. In all cases, stopped motorists must remain stopped until the bus no longer displays its flashing red lights and stop arm.
When a school bus stops and activates its stop arm and flashing red lights, all traffic must stop from both directions – whether it is a two- or four-lane road. When a school bus stops and activates its stop arm and flashing red lights on a divided highway with a median separation, traffic approaching the bus from behind must stop. In all cases, stopped motorists must remain stopped until the bus no longer displays its flashing red lights and stop arm.
Healthy Snacks
Healthy Snacks
USD 356 is encouraging healthy snack choices as part of our district wellness policy. Part of our wellness policy is encouraging students and parents to consider fresh fruits and whole grain items when selecting treats for birthday celebrations and classroom parties. The Kyle Trueblood and USD 356 staff appreciate your consideration and support of our wellness policy.
USD 356 is encouraging healthy snack choices as part of our district wellness policy. Part of our wellness policy is encouraging students and parents to consider fresh fruits and whole grain items when selecting treats for birthday celebrations and classroom parties. The Kyle Trueblood and USD 356 staff appreciate your consideration and support of our wellness policy.
Conway Springs Booster Club
Conway Springs Booster Club
Apparel, caps, auto decals and license plates may be purchased through CS Cardinal Booster Club.
Apparel, caps, auto decals and license plates may be purchased through CS Cardinal Booster Club.
Contact Julie Pauly 316-680-0292.
Contact Julie Pauly 316-680-0292.