
USD 356 Conway Springs

Kyle Trueblood 

Elementary School

Student/Parent Handbook



  Crystal Cotton, Principal

  111 N. Highland 

  Conway Springs, KS 67031

 620-456-2966   Fax 620-456-3312


  USD 356 Central Office           USD 356 Bus Transportation

               Clay Murphy, Superintendent             John Seiwert, Director 

                           110 N. Monnet                              112 N. Cranmer

                Conway Springs, KS 67031              Conway Springs, KS 67031

                         620-456-2961                               620-456-2960


The school day at Kyle Trueblood begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.  Students should not arrive before 7:40 when the doors open and supervision begins in the multipurpose room. Breakfast will begin at that time for those wishing to eat breakfast.  Beginning at 7:50, students not eating breakfast will proceed to their respective classrooms.  Students eating breakfast will also go to their classroom when they finish eating. Kindergarten students will go directly to their classroom upon arrival.


Preschool students transported to and from school by family or other responsible party must be signed in and signed out each day by that person upon in the preschool classroom. Morning bus riders will report to their room and unpack.  Preschool students will then have the opportunity to eat breakfast in the multipurpose room.  At the end of the school day, preschool staff will walk bus riders to the bus.


Parents of students who are moving should contact the school office prior to the last day of attendance.  All textbooks, library books, etc. belonging to USD 356 must be returned and all fees paid.  The school office should be notified of a change of address and/or telephone number if you move within the district during the year.  This is very important at times of early dismissal for weather or illness.


Conway Springs USD 356 complies with the Privacy Act and hereby gives public notice to parents and guardians that the following student information will be considered “directory information” and will be released without additional consent: name, address, telephone listings, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of team members, dates of attendance, awards received, and the most recent school attended by the student.


Regular and punctual attendance is necessary for optimal student achievement to be reached.  This also develops responsibility for further achievement.  Students arriving after the 8:00 a.m. bell are tardy and must report to the office to receive an admit slip before going to the classroom. Students who leave early must check out through the office. This is a safety issue. When your child is absent, please call the school office, 620-456-2966, by 8:30 a.m. to provide the reason for the absence.  Under the Missing Children’s Act, contact with a parent or guardian is required.  The administration shall be responsible for determining the validity of excuses offered for absence from school.  

The building principal shall report students who are inexcusably absent (truant) from school to the appropriate authority.  Truancy is defined as any three consecutive unexcused absences, any five unexcused absences in a semester or seven unexcused absences in a school year, whichever comes first.  Prior to reporting to either DCF or the county or district attorney, a letter shall be sent to the student’s parent(s) or guardian notifying that the student’s failure to attend school without a valid excuse shall result in the student being reported truant.


Parents should have a plan for their children to follow in case it is necessary for students to be sent home before the regular dismissal time. 


School Messenger, our school district's automated calling system will be activated to let all families know of any school closing.  This system is only good if the information is up-to-date.  At the beginning of each school year, parents will be asked to update the phone numbers for their child.  Please keep the school informed of any change of home, cell phone or emergency contact numbers.  See the USD 356 Parent Informational Booklet for further details. 


Students are responsible for rules set forth by the classroom teacher and building principal.  The BOE and administration of Conway Springs schools strongly support discipline as a necessary part of and condition for learning in all areas of our schools, the buildings, buses and playgrounds. 

The Kyle Trueblood staff will provide each student with the best opportunity to acquire a quality education.  No student has the right to interfere with the learning opportunity of other students.  An education is both a right and a privilege.  There are two very important things a student must do faithfully to protect this right.  The two things are: regularly attend school and have positive participation in the learning activities.  By doing these two things students will achieve to the best of their ability and they will not interfere with other students’ learning. 


Homework is part of the educational program and besides written work, may include conducting interviews, reading, or any other assignments which are to be completed at home.  Research on homework indicates that it does improve student achievement whether that achievement is measured by test scores or grades.  An absent student will be allowed one day to complete assignments for the day he/she was absent. If your child will be absent more than one day, please make arrangements for homework to be picked up.


Parent-Teacher conferences are planned twice during the school year for elementary students, once after the first quarter grading period for all students and during the third grading period for those students whom the teacher feels are in need of a conference.  Of course, parents may request a conference with their child’s teacher at any time. We encourage siblings to be left at home during conferences so the focus can be placed on the student’s conference. 


Vision and hearing screenings will be done a minimum of every two years. Dental screenings will be done yearly. Any abnormal results will be reported to parents.


In the event of illness, parents should notify the school the day of the illness according to the same guidelines listed under ATTENDANCE earlier in this handbook.  Parents may be called to come and get their child during the school day if he or she becomes ill.  It is the responsibility of the parents to make arrangements so the ill student is picked up, either by a parent or the person the parents designate.  School health rooms are to care for those pupils who become ill or injured at school.  No child will be taken or sent home until parents or other designated responsible person is contacted.  Extended or excessive absences may require a doctor’s note in order to be excused.


Any student who has received an injury requiring medical attention, or has been hospitalized for any reason, must have a doctor’s permit stating any limitations or activities, and the duration of the limitations.


Kansas state law requires all children age eight and under who are entering a Kansas school for the first time must have a health assessment (physical examination) completed by a physician or KDHE certified nurse.  All children entering a Kansas school for the first time must present a birth certificate and certification that the child has current immunizations: DPT and/or TD, Oral Polio, Measles, Rubella (German Measles) Mumps, Hepatitis B, Varicella (Chickenpox), and Hep A.  The child may enroll while completing the required immunizations if the physician or local health department certifies that the pupil has received “the most recent appropriate inoculations in a required series.”  Failure to complete the series is non-compliance.


Students are expected to go to the playground at recess unless a written request with valid reason is received from the parents, or the teacher requires the student to remain in the classroom.

All students in grades K-5 will have a physical education period each day. Each student is required to have a pair of tennis or gym shoes to wear inside during this period. If a student wears tennis shoes daily, these may be worn for P.E. and recess. For health reasons, students will not be allowed to play in his/her socks or bare feet. Students will participate in physical education classes to the best of their ability. A permit from a physician will be required for students unable to participate due to illness or injury. Students should also provide a physician's notice of when the student may return to physical activities as directed by their doctor following an injury, hospitalization, serious illness, surgery, or other health-related concern.


Grade reports are sent home eight times throughout the school year, at the mid-term point and at the end of each grading quarter.  Student evaluation shall be based on assignments, activities, projects, test results and daily class participation.  In Kindergarten and 1st Grade, grading is reported by the skills mastered as M = Meets expectations, P = Progressing, I = Improvement needed.  Students in grades 2 - 5 receive letter grades according to the following scale:

 100 – 90    A    Exceeding the requirements of the instructor

 89 – 80     B    Above average

 79 – 70     C    Average

 69 – 60     D    Below average

 59 – 0      F    Unsatisfactory


The Conway Springs Board of Education affirms that its primary concern is the provision of educational opportunities for the students of USD 356, and the major responsibility of students’ appearance rests with their parents.  The manner in which an individual dresses affects behavior.  Students are expected to wear clothes that are neat, clean, and in good taste.  The principal will determine the appropriateness of student attire.  Extreme variance in student attire and grooming shall not be allowed when it interferes with the educational and/or health program of the school.

Shorts/skorts may be worn through October 15 and in the spring beginning April 1.  This is due to the fact that elementary students go outside for recess whenever possible and our weather can change a great deal from the morning, when students get dressed, until their recess time.  Tank tops are allowed if the neck and arm holes are not too large.  Tops with spaghetti straps may be worn as long as there is a shirt worn over or under the spaghetti straps. For safety and health reasons, flip flops and all raised heeled shoes are not allowed.  Tennis shoes are required for PE and a similar shoe is encouraged for recess.


No animals of any kind will be allowed in the school building for “show and tell” activities unless prior approval has been received from the teacher.  Arrangements must be made with parents for bringing the animal and taking it home.  No animals will be brought on the bus or stay all day in the classroom. 


Teachers schedule field trips to enhance classroom instruction.  A limited number of parent helpers may be requested on some field trips.  This is due to many factors, including: limited seating capacity on our bus and group size limits at the field trip site.  Parents who wish to attend their child’s field trip, but are not listed as a parent helper, must get advance approval by contacting your child’s teacher.  If the field trip destination does not have a group number limit, parents should be prepared to drive their own vehicle and pay entry fees that apply.  Siblings are not permitted to attend field trips with parent volunteers as we intend this to be a special day for the student and their parent/s.


Regular classroom parties are scheduled for Christmas and Valentine’s.  Parties will begin at 2:45. Exchange of gifts at school will not be allowed unless it is a class activity and approved by the principal.  Birthday parties need to be pre-scheduled with the classroom teacher.

Elementary students look forward to their birthday each year and parents often bring treats to school in celebration.  Please notify the classroom teacher in advance if treats will be sent to school.  Invitations to home parties are not to be handed out at school unless all students (or all boys/girls) in the class are receiving an invitation.  If desired, a list of student names and addresses can be picked up from the office in order to mail home invitation.  Balloons and flowers are not to be delivered to school for students.

(See Wellness snack suggestions below.)


USD 356 is encouraging healthy snack choices as part of our district wellness policy.  Part of our wellness policy is encouraging students and parents to consider fresh fruits and whole grain items when selecting treats for birthday celebrations and classroom parties.  The Kyle Trueblood and USD 356 staff appreciate your consideration and support of our wellness policy.